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2 search results for Oryza barthii in .
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1For general rice names, see Oryza sativa L. article.|-Oryza granulata: Jungle oryza (En). Indonesia: rumput lorodan, lorodan pari (Javanese). Thailand: khao-nok (south-western). Vietnam: l[us]a con cong.|-Oryza meyeriana: Indonesia: hehawa (Sulawesi), padi-padian (Kalimantan). Philippines: paray-agway.|-Oryza minuta: Indonesia: padi monyet (North Sumatra), paparean (Sundanese), suket paren (Javanese). Malaysia: padi burung. Philippines: palay- maya (Sulu), bayli-gadja (Tausug), palai-palai (Subanun). Vietnam: l[us]a ma.|-Oryza ridleyi: Malaysia: paroi tasur (Sabah). Thailand: ya-khaotham (south-eastern). Vietnam: l[us]a r[uwf]ng.|-Oryza rufipogon: Indonesia: padi burung (Sumatra), paparean (Java), waiwi (Irian Jaya). Malaysia: padi hantu (Peninsular). Vietnam: l[us]a hoang.Oryza10: CerealsOryza L. (spikelet) - 1, O. australiensis; 2, O. granulata; 3, O. longiglumis; 4, O. meridionalis; 5, O. meyeriana; 6, O. minuta; 7, O. nivara; 8, O. officinalis; 9, O. ridleyi; 10, O. rufipogon; 11, O. sativa; 12, O. schlechteri
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2Rice (En). Riz (Fr). Indonesia: padi (general), pari (Javanese), pare (Sundanese). Malaysia: padi. Papua New Guinea: rais. Philippines: palay. Burma (Myanmar): sabar-bin. Cambodia: srö:w. Laos: khauz. Thailand: khao. Vietnam: l[us]a.|There are specific for the rice grain, unhulled grain, polished rice, cooked rice (also depending on how it is cooked), left- over rice and even rice stuck to the bottom of the pot. The crop and the unhusked grain are known as paddy.Oryza sativa10: CerealsOryza sativa L. — 1, plant base with roots; 2, ligule and auricles; 3, panicle with leaf; 4, flowering spikelet; 5, pistil; 6, inflorescence branch with mature spikelet
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